There are a wide range of books for Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Prostatitis on the market. This list keeps on growing each year. I started at 15, we now have 18 books I suggest reading.  Below is a list of some of the most important books in my library that have aided and assisted me in my journey towards a greater level of understanding of this condition. The books do not appear in any order of appreciation or importance as I feel that they all offer the patient and/or the professional insight into pain and pain management of chronic pelvic pain syndrome and prostatitis, both bacterial and non-bacterial.

These books alone will not provide you or your patients with the oracle answers to your symptoms. They do however offer insight and strategies to coping and in many cases managing and reducing symptoms.

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Prostatitis books for the patient


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1.) Teach us to sit still by Tim Parks

The personal journey of author Tim Parks and his pelvic pain. Good for reading the frank and honest account, through anguishes, frustrations and successes of a pelvic pain sufferer


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2.) Heal pelvic pain by Amy Stein 

Practical, progressive guide to stretches and exercises for pelvic pain in males, females and children. Good for easy, accessible self help protocols to manage and reduce pelvic pain


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3.) Ending male pelvic pain by Isa Herrera

Practical guide to self care for the male pelvic pain sufferer. Good for progressive exercises, stretches and activities to manage and reduce male pelvic pain


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4.) Explain Pain by David Butler and G. Lorimer Moseley.

Very visual guide for professionals and patients about pain and the science behind it. Good for understanding current research  into chronic pain management through anecdotes and research


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5.) Protectometer by David Butler and G. Lorimer Moseley.

Practical workbook for managing and reducing your pain. Good for the patient who wants to learn more about the mechanisms behind their pain and practical solutions/tasks to reduce their pain


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6.) Pelvic pain explained by Elizabeth H. Rummer and Stephanie  A. Prendergast.

Informative guide for pelvic pain in males and females. Good for understanding why we develop pelvic pain, current treatment options and diagnosis methods


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7.) Think away your pain by David Schechter.

A top down approach to  chronic pain and our brains. Good for an understanding of the influences of the brain and chronic pain with practical applications for the patient


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8.) Headache in the pelvis by David Wise and Rodney Anderson.

The first guide to male pelvic pain. Good introduction to male pelvic pain conditions as well as practical approaches to managing pain


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9.) Why Pelvic Pain Hurts by Adriaan Low, Sandra Hilton and Carolyn Vandyken.

A practical guide into some of the neuroscience behind pelvic pain. Good for a deeper understanding into why we experience pelvic pain, plus some practical tools to manage and reduce symptoms


Pelvic Pain The Ultimate Cock Block Book

10.) Pelvic Pain, The Ultimate Cock Block by Dr Susie Gronski

A practical resource for all involved in male pelvic pain. Good for gaining comprehensive knowledge on the subject, including practical applications to managing and treating pelvic pain

Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Prostatitis books for the patient and professional 


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11.) Prostatitis and its management, concepts & recommendations by Cai, Tommaso, Bjerklund Johansen, Truls E. Specific publication on Prostatitis – bacterial and non bacterial. Good for understanding a wide spectrum of management tools from diagnosis to treatment of prostatitis and chronic pelvic pain syndrome


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12.) Pelvic Dysfunction in men by Grace Dorey.

Specific focus on male incontinence and erectile dysfunction in men. Good for a deeper understanding of these conditions with references to current diagnosis and treatment methods


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13.) Chronic pelvic pain and dysfunction by Ruth Jones, Leon Chaitow

Comprehensive reference and resource from a wide range of global experts. Good for the professional looking for clear guidance in the assessment, treatment and management of pelvic pain


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14.) Pelvic pain and organic dysfunction, by James E Browning

A chiropractic guide to approaches and management of pelvic pain. Good for the professional looking for a very structural  and mechanical approach to the treatment of the many conditions associated with pelvic pain


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15.) Evidence based physical therapy for the pelvic floor by Kari Bo, Bary Berghmans, Siv Morkved, Marijke Van Kampen

Comprehensive clinical guide from worldwide specialists. Good for the professional looking for clinical and evidence based approach to diagnosis, assessment and treatment of pelvic floor dysfunction


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16.) Graded motor imagery handbook by  David Butler, Tim Beames, Thomas Giles, Lorimer Moseley.

Neuroscience and clinical reasoning combined to provide a 3 stage practical guide to changing pain outcomes. Good for the professional looking for contemporary science based methods of retraining the brain in pain. Software program support provided through a practical app for treating patients


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17.) Chronic prostatitis/chronic pelvic pain syndrome by Daniel A. Shoskes.

Comprehensive guide to the 4 categories of prostatitis including bacterial and non-bacterial prostatitis. Good for the professional looking for information on all 4 conditions with clinical guidelines, evaluation diagnosis and current treatment


18.) Abdominal and Pelvic Pain: From Definition to Best Practice Paperback by Bert Messelink

Based on the 1st ever Abdominal and Pelvic Pain world congress in Amsterdam in 2013. This publication provides guidance on the science and management of visceral pain. Great for professionals and patients looking for greater depth of understanding


There is one important factor that must be addressed and that is the participation and commitment of the patient. Pain tells us that something must be changed, that there are processes at work that perceive we are in danger. Reading may help to increase your understanding of why we experience these horrid symptoms and in turn help to reduce catastrophization of circumstance.  Ultimately it takes commitment from the patient to want to bring about change in their circumstance. Being passive is not the key to successfully overcoming CPPS and CP. I teach my patients to become the driver in their recovery, not a passenger. Take control, take the helm and take action.  I hope these publications are useful to you and those around you with pelvic pain whether they are friends, family or patients.

The post Chronic Pelvic Pain Syndrome and Prostatitis Books first appeared on The Pelvic Pain Clinic’s website

Testimonials From Clients

“Having suffered with Pelvic Pain to the point where I had to be hospitalised for a number of nights. Karl has a great understanding and level of empathy with his patients. Appreciating exactly how they feel and what they are going through”

To read blog posts from my patients about their successful recovery from their chronic pelvic pain and chronic prostatitis experiences, in their own words click here


Please find below a sample of some of my patient testimonials from over the years. I have not included them ALL here. Instead I have picked a handful of those that demonstrate a wide range of my skill sets, outcomes and patient opinions. I would therefore hope that you are able to gauge how I approach my methods of treatment. If you have any questions regarding any of these comments below or would like to know more about my treatment please contact me here

My aim is to take every individual patient I see and treat them as individuals. If I am not achieving this then I believe I am letting down that patient. It is therefore imperative that my approach is bespoke and tailored. Failure to do so is likely to result in an unsuccessful outcome.

From those testimonials listed below I hope to give you a flavour of what you can expect if you come and see me as a patient.


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